Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease, which is difficult to cure and should be treated immediately when symptoms are found. What are the symptoms of genital herpes?
1. Primary genital herpes
The incubation period is about 2-7 days. Male patients are prone to prepuce, penis, glans, coronal sulcus or scrotum
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2. Recurrent sexual genital herpes
Nearly 60% of patients relapsed within 1 year after the first hsv infection, 4-6 times in the first year
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3. Gay men infected with hsv-2
The clinical manifestations are severe anorectal pain, and other symptoms are constipation
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4. Neonatal hsv-2 infection
Pregnant women suffer from genital herpes, which can cause miscarriage, premature delivery or death, and the fetus can be infected through the reproductive tract or premature rupture of amniotic membrane. The disease usually occurs about a week after birth. Mild cases can be herpes in the mouth, skin and eyes, while severe ones can be transmitted by blood, causing central nervous system and other visceral lesions, characterized by high fever, bleeding and spasms, and the mortality rate achieves. A few survivors often leave sequelae.
How does it spread?
1. Article transmission: because infectious viruses can survive in a humid environment for several hours, herpes simplex virus can also be transmitted indirectly through pollutants.
2. Sexual contact infection: sexual contact infection with patients with genital herpes, accounting for more than 90%. Including sexual intercourse, kissing, skin contact hugs. The skin and mucous membrane of the genitals are thin, the blood vessels are rich, and they are in a state of extreme hyperemia during sexual intercourse. Sexual friction can cause minor damage, creating conditions for the invasion of genital herpes virus, which is the route of transmission of genital herpes.
3. Mother-to-child vertical transmission: the best expert in the treatment of genital herpes says that newborns can be infected with genital herpes through the birth canal.
4. Transmission through placenta: pregnant women with genital herpes can transmit genital herpes to their fetuses through the placenta. Pregnant women with genital herpes, not timely detection and treatment, or incomplete treatment, genital herpes virus can be transmitted to the fetus through placental blood circulation, so that the fetus infected with genital herpes.
5. Blood-borne infection: patients with genital herpes during the incubation period are infected with herpesvirus, but there are no clinical manifestations. The blood and blood products provided by healthy people and patients with other diseases can infect patients with genital herpes, which is the route of transmission of genital herpes.
How should genital herpes be treated?
1. Antiviral drugs are the priority drugs for the treatment of genital herpes. For people who relapse more than 6 times a year, according to the doctor's instructions to maintain the amount of control therapy, the curative effect is positive.
2. Human leukocyte interferon can inhibit virus reproduction and reduce the recurrence rate of genital herpes.
3. Patients do not need to be too nervous, live regularly and strengthen exercise. After treatment, with the enhancement of body immunity
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4. Patients with sexual companionship often with asymptomatic virus discharge should be actively mobilized for concomitant examination and treatment.
5. Avoid fatigue, drinking and sex life during treatment. Condoms should be used if necessary, but be aware that condoms cannot completely isolate the transmission of genital herpes.
6. Pregnant women with genital herpes had better give birth by caesarean section.
7. Both parties who are going to get married or get pregnant must be safe after being completely cured.