Women's health is crucial. After skin diseases occur, they must be checked and treated in time. Extended time will cause many harm. In daily life, we need to pay attention to the emergence of soft and lower prickly heat. Many women suffer from this disease. When this disease occurs, it directly and seriously affects women's health. In ordinary times, everyone needs comprehensive care, comprehensive mediation, pay attention to its symptoms, and feminization.
The main symptoms of soft lower prickly heat in women are as follows:
1. Primary non-soft inferior scabies: Primary non-soft inferior scabies In HSV virus infection, anti-HSV antibody is positive, erosive ulcer, and scab damage is less severe than primary soft inferior scabies. The symptoms of female soft inferior scabies are important differences.
2. Primary chancroid: The incubation period for the symptoms of chancroid in women at this time is about 6 days. In women, the symptoms are vulva, perianal, cervix, human legs and buttocks. The skin lesions initially appear burning and itching. Then the patient developed multiple clusters of needle-sized red papules, which quickly turned into miliary grains, mung bean sized blisters
huge ass , ruptured blister walls to form erosion or ulcers, and had secretions. After drying, scabs and often pain. Proximal lymph nodes can be tumors. Anorectal involvement can include tenesmus and then severe, constipation, anorectal pain, mucous secretions, and often accompanied by neurological symptoms, including paresthesia, neuralgia, and difficulty urinating.
3. Recurrent soft inferior scabies: The causes of recurrent soft inferior scabies are mostly related to fever, menstruation, sexual life, emotional excitement, climate change, fatigue, and staying up late. When the attack occurs, there are prodrome symptoms such as local tingling, slight pain, and itching. The damage site started with Minhe pustules
women vibrator , and then the ulcer scabs. Recurrent subsoft scabies occurs within 1 to 4 months after primary onset. The systemic symptoms of patients with recurrence are milder than those of primary disease, and the course of each attack is shorter. The skin lesions usually resolve in about 10 days.
Treatment plan for soft scabies
1. The clinical manifestations of soft scabies lack specificity, and the specificity and sensitivity of laboratory tests are not high. Therefore, the diagnosis of soft scabies should be considered comprehensively
huge dildo gay dildo , and the most common diseases among genital ulcers should be excluded first. For areas lacking corresponding laboratory testing equipment, experimental treatment can be carried out under conditions that exclude other sexually transmitted diseases.
2. Drug resistance to Haemophilus dukrei is developing rapidly, so pay attention to selecting sensitive antibiotics.
3. The sexual partner of a patient with soft lower prickly fever has had sexual contact with the patient within 10 days before the patient's symptoms appear. Whether or not there are symptoms of the disease, they must be examined and treated.
4. Before healing, sexual life should be avoided. Sexual protection (use of condoms) during accompanying diagnosis.