The initial symptoms of AIDS are generally not obvious
bad dragon dildo , but as a serious life-threatening infectious disease, the treatment of AIDS is a difficult problem in medicine. Patients need nutritional support as well as drug treatment.
To high-protein and high-calorie diet, usually, HIV infection and patients due to physical changes resulting in increased protein consumption, intestinal absorptive capacity decline, weight loss and other phenomena. In addition, taking drugs will also affect the hematopoietic function of patients. In view of these characteristics, the diet of patients and infected people should be high-protein and high-calorie food, and follow the principle of diverse, small and balanced diet.
High-protein foods that are good for AIDS are
1. Shrimp, such as marine fish, shrimp, cuttlefish, shellfish, crabs and so on.
2. Chickens, pigeons, rabbits and other poultry.
3. Milk and dairy products, such as quality cheese.
4. Eggs, such as eggs, duck eggs.
5. Bean curd, soy milk and other bean products.
Supplement vitamins and minerals should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, especially spinach, mustard
magic wand vibrator , sweet potatoes, pumpkins, carrots and other rich carotene c, vitamin c (green pepper, orange
realistic dildo , green cauliflower, spinach), vitamin e (grains, pine nuts, dimethoate, big almonds, etc., try not to eat high-fat foods, do not eat sweet foods. For foods with special effects, there is no definite evidence that food can prevent or reduce HIV infection, but some foods can enhance patients' immunity and reduce complications.
In the experiment, the scientists found that vitamin C and glutathione can inhibit HIV
double dildo , in which glutathione has an inhibition rate of 90% on the virus, and the content of glutathione in infected people is relatively low, suggesting that glutathione may help to inhibit virus replication. Glutathione is found in many foods, including asparagus and watermelon. Fresh grapes, oranges, strawberries, peaches, pumpkins and green cauliflower also contain glutathione. It should be noted that the content of glutathione in canned and processed foods is only as high as that in fresh foods. In addition, heating the above foods, grinding or juicing, part of glutathione will also be lost. Lentinus edodes can also enhance immune function. According to the test results in Japan, Lentinus edodes has a certain anti-HIV effect.
Ten key points should be paid attention to in the prevention of AIDS
1. AIDS is mainly transmitted through sexual contact, blood and mother-child transmission.
2. AIDS is a major infectious disease in which there is no effective cure at present, but it can be prevented.
3. Women infected with AIDS can avoid pregnancy and breastfeeding and prevent HIV infection through mother-to-child ways.
4. Do not discriminate against AIDS patients and people infected with HIV. Giving them humanitarian care and help is conducive to the prevention and control of AIDS.
5. To prevent blood channel infection with AIDS, first of all, do not take drugs, especially can not share syringes or use unsterilized syringes for intravenous injection.
6. General life and work contact with AIDS patients and AIDS patients will not be infected with AIDS, and there is no need to be afraid of contact with AIDS patients.
7. To prevent AIDS through sexual channels, first of all, clean yourself, abide by sexual morality, and the second is the correct use of condoms. The use of condoms can not only avoid pregnancy, but also prevent STDs and AIDS.
8. Another aspect of preventing AIDS transmission through blood channels is to avoid the use of unsterilized instruments to extract teeth or other operations that invade the human body, and to avoid the use of unsafe blood and blood products.
9. People who have been infected with HIV can usually live without any symptoms for many years before they develop into AIDS patients. They look completely normal in appearance, but they can transmit the virus to other people.
AIDS threatens everyone and every family, and it is the responsibility of the whole society to prevent AIDS.