AIDS incubation period AIDS is a relatively difficult disease to treat in modern times. It is one of the sexually transmitted diseases. Many AIDS patients do not discover it in time because they do not know the symptoms of the incubation period of AIDS, which delays treatment time. Experts tell everyone that before treating AIDS, we must first understand the early symptoms of AIDS and then treat it with symptomatic treatment.
There are many symptoms in the early stages of HIV, and the following are the symptoms that every patient will experience during the AIDS window period. Most of the people who develop these symptoms are people who have experienced high-risk behaviors, so if you have these symptoms
lockthecock , go immediately. Take a test to rule out the possibility of contracting HIV.
1. Diarrhea during the window period of AIDS: 40 - 90% of people will develop window symptoms 2-3 weeks after humans are infected with HIV, and the symptoms will disappear after 2 - 3 weeks. Among window symptoms, 37% of people will develop AIDS window diarrhea. Diarrhea is one of the most annoying symptoms of AIDS because it can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.
2. Lymph node enlargement during the AIDS window period: Generally manifested in lymph node enlargement on the lower side of the earlobe, that is, on both sides of the neck, as well as axillary lymph node enlargement, and groin lymph node enlargement. They are symmetrical, red and swollen on the outside
butt , painful when pressed, and can be moved., the size is about one centimeter in diameter. Especially the enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck
clitoral vibrator , axilla and groin is more obvious. The lymph nodes are more than 1 cm in diameter and are solid, mobile and pain-free.
3. Night sweats during the AIDS window period: Night sweats and sweating caused by AIDS are caused by reduced immunity and viral infections. At this time, you should strengthen your physique. Sunbathing and cold bathing can relieve this symptom and enhance your adaptability. Some patients with night sweats have night sweats as soon as they fall asleep, some have night sweats after falling asleep until midnight, and some have just closed their eyes for a while. The amount of sweat produced varies greatly. According to the clinical manifestations of patients with night sweats, they can be divided into three types: mild, moderate and severe.
4. Rapid weight loss during the AIDS window: Rapid weight loss is a common problem after being infected with HIV. Unless you are actively losing weight, rapid weight loss is a serious problem.
5. Rash during the AIDS window: Some symptoms such as rashes are usually seen during the AIDS window. The most common type of AIDS rash is Candida in the oral mucosa, which is often born on a vermilion base and can also spread to the oropharynx or esophagus
perfect ass , causing severe difficulty in swallowing.
Experts remind everyone that if there are no symptoms when the above symptoms occur, or after high-risk behaviors occur, you should go to the local hospital, CDC or order AIDS test strips online for testing immediately after 2-6 weeks of high-risk behavior. To protect your health.