Bad breath, yellow teeth, carsickness
anal dildo remote controlled vibrator , scalds. These minor symptoms and ailments in life can be solved through food! Don't you think it's amazing? It is true. Some foods not only provide nutrition and ability, but also provide strange therapeutic functions, as long as you choose the right food, you can solve health problems.
1. Yogurt
Use: bad breath
Previous studies have shown that living bacteria in yogurt can inhibit the growth of halitosis bacteria in the mouth. The beneficial bacteria in yogurt can expel the bacteria that cause bad breath and create a healthy environment for the mouth.
2. Sugar
Use: hiccups
Swallow a teaspoon of dried sugar and you can stop hiccups immediately. Sugar has the effect of modifying neuromuscular movements, that is, it can order the muscles in the diaphragm to contract continuously, preventing the hiccups from continuing. But not too much, sugar can be addictive, eating too much will hinder your health.
3. Apple
Use: tooth whitening
When chewing crispy fruits and vegetables, it has the same small effect as brushing teeth. Natural cleaning behavior can remove dental plaque from enamel. In particular, the mild malic acid contained in apples also helps to dissolve dental plaque.
4. Baking soda
Usage: urinary tract infection
Just show symptoms, you can use 250ml water to add 4 teaspoons of baking soda to drink. The doctor decided to have a drink a day before taking antibiotics. Baking soda makes the bladder alkaline and reduces the reproductive capacity of bacteria.
5. Papaya
Use: make the skin smooth
Papaya belongs to tropical fruit and contains papain. Dead cells on the surface of the skin can make the skin look dull, rough and cracked. The enzymes in papaya can break down dead cells. Twice a month, it makes the skin softer, delicate and shiny.
What to do: put two tablespoons washed and peeled papaya into the food processor and add one tablespoon of dried oats. Apply the mixture to clean skin for 10 minutes, then wipe it off with a warm towel. The enzymes in papaya are very mild and are ideal for people with sensitive skin. However, for safety reasons, test behind the ear when using it for the first time.
6. Olives or lemons
Uses: carsick (carsickness, seasickness, carsickness, etc.)
Carsickness makes the body secrete too much saliva and feel sick. The compound tannic acid in olives can remove excess saliva from the mouth and help eliminate the feeling of vomiting. As long as you feel unwell, take two immediately, and lemon juice has the same effect.
7. Ice cream
Usage: scald
The tissue in the mouth is only a few millimeters thick and is very sensitive to hot food. If you can't wait, put the fresh pizza in your mouth. Ice cream and frozen yogurt help to comfort the hot mouth. Cooling can bring temporary relief.
You can contain ice or ice, but please spit ice before you feel pain.
8. Vodka
Usage: beriberi
If your feet don't taste good, you can wrap them in a vodka towel to remove the smell. This and rubbing alcohol on your feet is taken for granted (grey goose vodka will work pretty well).
Vodka contains antiseptic and dry alcohol that removes foul-smelling fungi and bacteria and removes the humid environment in which you live.
9. Bee leaf tea
Usage: labial herpes
Lip herpes is caused by herpes virus (different from the type of virus transmitted between the sexes). Bee leaves are a priority in herbal therapy, and their antiviral properties cure exposed herpes.
Practice: you can use 2 to 4 tablespoons of bee leaves and water ratio to make bee leaf tea. After getting cold, apply cotton balls to the affected parts of the lips
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10. Mint or cinnamon gum
Usage: work congestion pressure
Mint can reduce fatigue and anxiety by 20%. Mint and cinnamon can reduce frustration by 25%, increase alertness by 30%, and shorten travel by 30%.
Don't you like chewing gum or sugar? You can put a mint or cinnamon fragrance diffuser in the car.