Today, I made bean paste mooncakes at home. They are clean and delicious.
190 grams of low-gluten flour, 3 grams of water, 120 grams of baking syrup, and 47 grams of corn oil.
Stir all ingredients evenly with chopsticks, knead into dough
remote vibrator , cover with plastic wrap and let stand for an hour.
The cured cake crust is divided into 25 grams, and the bean paste filling is also 25 grams.
Rub the cake crust round and flat
chastity cage , wrap it in the bean paste filling, close and pinch it tightly
vibrator for women , and then rub some dry flour on the surface to make it easier to release the mold during impression. Brush the egg yolk liquid on the baked mooncakes with a brush, brush it thinly
perfect ass , and then place it in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 12 minutes.
Press twice with a 50-gram mooncake mold to make beautiful patterns. Spray water on the surface of the prepared mooncake and place it in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 6 minutes until the shape is fixed. Add 5 grams of corn oil and 5 grams of water to one egg yolk and stir well. Let the mooncakes cool before loading them into boxes. The freshly made mooncakes are hard and need to wait for two days for the oil to be returned to the taste and color to be better.