Studies have pointed out that 30 women with severe dysmenorrhea were treated with low-fat vegetarian diet. After a two-month menstrual cycle, these 30 women not only reduced pain, but also alleviated symptoms of premenstrual syndrome such as anxiety, nausea, and abdominal distension. The average dysmenorrhea time has been reduced from 7 days to 4 days. Light vegetarian diet can help relieve women's dysmenorrhea.
According to obstetrics and gynecology experts, dysmenorrhea is caused by uterine muscle contraction and ischemia caused by the peeling of the endometrium during the menstrual cycle and secreting a large amount of substances. Dysmenorrhea with no clear cause is called primary dysmenorrhea. It is very common. It may affect more than 50% of women, and the more serious ones are about 5%-15%. Dysmenorrhea generally starts during adolescence and is enough to interfere with normal life when severe. Primary dysmenorrhea gradually decreases with age and after childbirth. Secondary dysmenorrhea is uncommon and accounts for about a quarter of women with dysmenorrhea.
Endometrial tissue that falls off during menstruation may aggravate pain as it passes through the cervix. Other factors such as receding uterus, lack of exercise, mental stress, and stress may aggravate pain. One of the most common causes of secondary dysmenorrhea is endometritis, uterine fibroids, etc. Salpingitis and pelvic inflammation can also cause abdominal pain, which may deteriorate during menstruation. Dysmenorrhea is not only a pain in the lower abdomen, but also affects the back and thighs. Sometimes it is twitching pain, sometimes it is persistent dull pain, often accompanied by headache, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, frequent urination, urgency, etc. At this time
penispumpe butt , if you can actively rest and sleep, exercise regularly and adjust your diet, it will help relieve dysmenorrhea symptoms.
Low-fat diets such as vegetables and beans can change the binding globulin that regulates sex hormones in the body and reduce the synthesis of substances responsible for physiological pain. Especially soybeans, which are rich in phytoestrogen, have the most significant effect on suppressing dysmenorrhea. Studies have shown that unsaturated fatty acids can inhibit the secretion of estrogen and reduce dysmenorrhea. Unsaturated fatty acids are mostly found in vegetable fats, so vegetarian food can inhibit dysmenorrhea.
In addition, the unsaturated fatty acids in vegetables
bluetooth vibrator xxl dildo , fruits and beans enrich omega-3 fatty acids and have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. However, the omega-6 fatty acids contained in general animal fats and fried foods produce painful substances. Therefore, eating more vegetarian food can indeed reduce the factors of pain in the body. Angry food During menstruation, watermelons, onions, carrots, etc. should be minimized to accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis. Food with too much salt that causes uterine contraction will cause cell edema and increase physiological pain. Alcohol accelerates the loss of vitamin b and minerals, reduces fatigue and resistance, and can easily induce premenstrual syndrome. Eat this food one week before your period.